Coherent Object System Architecture Patent #6,345,387

COSA Overview

COSA (Coherent Object System Architecture) is an event-driven architecture that allows control of information flow in software. COSA was patented by VS Merlot founder, Gordon Morrison.

Traditional Application Modeling
The traditional application modeling practice of an analyst requires the decomposition of the application into its high-level component parts.  This decomposition process can end up with several different user views of the control flow and data flow portions of the problem represented graphically and in written reports. Then these materials are turned over to the developers where a lot of expensive work effort is put into the re-composition process to produce the application code.  This re-composition process results in a convolution of the application’s workflow, that is, the application’s execution flow (and code). 

COSA Application Modeling
Using COSA does away with the convolution of the application code.  This means the model and the code have a matching one-to-one correspondence. Therefore, when the model changes only the corresponding sections of code change resulting in reduced maintenance costs, reduced development costs, and a greater return on the software investment through future reuse.
"The thing that keeps me motivated on your approach is that I believe technology reaches perfection as it emulates the divine Creator's works. Since COSA works more like the human brain than the Touring model or John Van Neumann's architecture, it is no doubt a better approach."

Gregory M. Pope
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

COSA Users

COSA Users have applied the COSA technology to multiple projects as seen in the list below. VS Merlot COSA Studio® is designed to allow developers who don’t have the resources that the current COSA users have to use this powerful architecture and multiple other advanced features of the COSA Studio® IDE in their current projects.
  • Oracle International - Intelligent Automation Test  Workflow
  • Google, Inc - Application Analytics Reporting
  • Amazon Technologies, Inc - Message Processing Engine
  • Software AG - Lifecycle Management System  w/Conditional Approvals
  • MBA Sciences - Resource Tracking Method &  Apparatus
  • Denso Corp (Japan) - System and Program Product
  • Raytheon Company - Designing Computer Programs
  • MBA Sciences - System and Method for Tracking
  • Microsoft Corp - Host Context Framework
  • Panasonic Corporation - Layered Obj Based Sw  Architecture-Statechart Centric Embedded Device Controllers
  • Parker-Hannifin Corporation - Software Updating Method &  Radio Communication Apparatus
  • Health Language Aurora COMethod & System for  Interfacing w/Multi-Level Data Structure
  • NEC - System & Method for  Measuring Syntax Coverage Percentage
  • IBM - Method for Compiling Program  Components in Mixed Static & Dynamica Environments
  • Xilinx - Method of Inlining VHDL Function  Call Into Verilog
  • Sun Microsystems - Method & Apparatus for  Facilitating the Sharing of Computer Graphic Operations

COSA Books

These books provide a foundation for the basics of COSA. Both books are filled with real-world examples and step-by-step instructions regarding the application of COSA to software development.



First published in 2009, this is the seminal work of Gordon Morrison, founder of VS Merlot, regarding the Temporal Engineering of Software. In this book Gordon lays out the foundation of Temporal Engineering of Software through detailed step-by-step examples.

Gordon's patented COSA (Coherent Object System Architecture US Patent#6,345,387, cited by Microsoft, Amazon, Google, IBM, Oracle, and other industry leaders) is used and explained in this book to demonstrate Temporal Engineering applied to software.

The thoroughly documented code files for the calculator example in this book can be found in our Temporal Engineering Education section of this web site.



First published in 2019, this is the application of Temporal engineering to Robotics and Data Migration through COSA (Coherent Object System Architecture)

Gordon's patented COSA (Coherent Object System Architecture US Patent#6,345,387, cited by Microsoft, Amazon, Google, IBM, Oracle, and other industry leaders) is used and explained in this book to demonstrate Temporal Engineering applied to software.

The thoroughly documented code files for the examples in this book can be found in our Temporal Engineering Education section of this web site.