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Decompose and Transform Your Legacy Code with VSM ScavEng:
Simplify, Modernize, and Future-Proof Your Systems

ScavEng, part of the VSM LegacyForward Suite, is a push-button solution for transforming outdated and costly legacy code into the modern, efficient Coherent Object System Architecture (COSA). By refactoring complex, tangled codebases, ScavEng simplifies system structures, eliminates unnecessary complexity, and aligns legacy systems with contemporary development practices.

Offering flexibility in SME involvement, ScavEng can operate with minimal input, automating the transformation process to create streamlined, maintainable systems that reduce costs and extend the life of legacy applications.

ScavEng: Decompose Legacy Code for Modernization

ScavEng breaks down complex, outdated code into manageable components, preparing it for integration into modern environments

VSM ScavEng
Features & Benefits:

  • Automated code analysis and decomposition for fast modernization.
  • Simplifies even the most complex legacy systems.
  • Prepares code for transition into COSA for further optimization.

  • Reduces time spent on manual code analysis.

What We Do

At VS Merlot, we are revolutionizing software application modernization through the VSM LegacyForward SuiteTM. Our platform transforms legacy applications into high-performing, easily maintainable solutions by upgrading outdated code into a modern architecture.
Contact us for more information.